Legal agreement for contributions made to projects owned/created by Privex Inc. Revision: 1.0 Revision date: 2019-03-12 --------------------------- * Contribution - Content such as code (additions/changes to application source code), documentation (such as the README), media (images, music, video), and ideas sent to Privex with the intention of the content being included within a project that Privex has created, or owns. * Privex / Privex Inc. - Refers to the corporate entity Privex Inc. registered in Belize City, Belize and may also include persons employed by Privex Inc. Official website: * Core Project - Refers to content within the project that is being contributed to, which Privex has created, or holds ownership rights to (e.g. contributed content that paragraph 2.1 applies to) SECTION 1 - Contributions to Open Source projects 1.1 By contributing to open source projects created by Privex Inc., you agree that your contributions will become licensed under the same license as the project, and may be used within the scope of that license. SECTION 2 - Contributions to any Privex owned/created project 2.1 By submitting a contribution to a Privex project, you grant unlimited usage rights of included content which you have created, or have ownership rights of, to Privex Inc. unless the content has been exempted by paragraph 2.2. This includes, but is not limited to, the right for Privex Inc. to use, modify, re-license, re-distribute, and/or sell the content. This does not affect your existing rights to the content. You still retain any prior ownership of the submitted content. Privex does not claim unlimited usage rights on any file with a clearly visible license contained within the file, nor the content of folders which contain a license file such as LICENSE, LICENSE.TXT, LICENCE etc. 2.1.1 (PLAIN ENGLISH) While the above paragraph sounds scary, it's a necessary legal protection. Many of our open source projects are actively used by Privex, and sometimes used as components of other projects, which may not fall under the same license as the project you're contributing to. To ensure we don't get into any licensing issues because we accepted your contribution, we need to ensure that any contributions submitted to **our repo** are fully licensed to us, so that we can continue using our own project legally. 2.2 The following sub-paragraphs detail exemptions of contributions from paragraph 2.2 2.2.1 If you are submitting content which you have created and/or own, and require that parts of, or all of your contribution to be exempted from paragraph 2.1, you must follow ALL of the below requirements before submitting your contribution: 1. Submit the affected content as individual files, or using a reference (e.g. a link to the file(s) on a website) 2. Ensure that the license of the content is made clearly visible through one or more of the following methods: 1. Within the affected file(s) (e.g. a code comment) 2. If affected content is submitted within a new folder, which contains only files that are under the same license (or set of licenses), then the license may be placed in a clearly named license file, such as `LICENSE`. 3. A notice displayed within the README and/or LICENSE file of the project which the content is being contributed to, clearly stating the files that are unaffected by paragraph 2.1 3. Ensure that you clearly state in the contribution request (e.g. git pull requests / issues), that the contribution contains content that does not fall under paragraph 2.1. You should reference the files/folders that are exempt. Example: "This pull request includes content that is exempt from paragraph 2.1 of the Privex contribution legal agreement, see the folder `lib/libexample`" Example: "I retain my ownership rights for the files `` and ``, I have included the appropriate license/copyright text at the start of the files." 2.2.2 If you are submitting third-party content which falls under an existing license, including content under the same license as the project, you must: 1. Follow requirements 1 (individual files or links) and 2 (clear license) of paragraph 2.2.1 2. If it is not clear from the names of the submitted files/folders that the content is not part of the Base Project (content owned by Privex), you must ensure that you clearly state in the contribution request (e.g. git pull requests / issues) the files and/or folders which are licensed separately. 2.3 Privex may decline a contribution for any reason it chooses.